Wednesday, October 31, 2007

3rd Day in DC

We got up today and decided to make the trek to the Zoo. The kids were very excited. Will kept telling me to hurry up. He didn't realize that the metro didn't stop close to the zoo and it would be all up hill to get there. Needless to say I heard how much longer several times. When we finally made it I am not sure if the excitement was that they would get to see the animals or they did not have to walk up hill anymore. Will took a lot of pictures and he had me take a lot of pictures these are just some of the pictures.
After the zoo we did some more touring. As you read on you will see what we did for the entire day. Except for dinner time.

The kids are looking at a jaguar. It is hard to see but it is there.

Next we saw the Red Panda. The picture to the left I didn't even use my zoom. He was so close that Will asked if he could jump on us. That is when the Panda looked like he was laughing at Will.

Next were the Giant Pandas. We spent a lot of time here. They were up in the tree for a long time playing and making a lot of noises. Until one fell upside down from the tree and decided to get all the way down.

The Pandas were very entertaining and cute. I just wanted to hug one.

Next was the Giant Salamander. The kids wanted to pose next to the replica.

Will must of taken 15 shots of the Hippo with his camera. He loved this animal. It moved around and looked at us. I think it was actually posing because every time Will got a shot it would move to a different position.

Gorillas are our favorite in this household. The kids had to pose with the statues. Audrey of course choose the mama and baby.

Will, of course, wanted to ride the silver back like a cowboy.

Audrey is striking a pose while Will has the lets get this over with stance.

I took this picture on my own. I just thought they were pretty. I like frogs especially tree frogs. They are so colorful. It reminds me of home. We have one tree frog that gets on our kitchen window at night.

Will wanted to do some rock climbing or should I say crawling. Isn't he a cutie potutie.

We went to the gift shop and left the zoo. I didn't hear any complaints back to the metro since it was all down hill. Next stop, White house.

We got to the white house and they were not offering any tours. Usually that means the President is at home. Or, it could mean we got there to late.

This is the front of the white house.

This is the back of the White House.
We left here and went to the Washington Monument but they were not doing tours because it was 4:30. So we made our way to the metro and got on. Once again we got on during rush hour. We just never learn.

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