Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Student Council Pumpkins

Today Will had to stay after to school to decorate pumpkins. All of the student council stayed. Last night we thought and thought and thought what would we do. We came up with this idea. Can you figure it out?

Will begins to work on the pumpkins.

Ok, do you have an idea what it could be? We are half way there.

Here it is! It is a frog. I hope you got it. I think I will have to go up to the school and fix one of the eyes. It was having trouble staying on. If you have any ideas for it let me know.

Will stands by his pumpkin.

Will's friend Kaden and his pumpkin.

Here are some more of the student council pumpkins. The Frankenstein is Will's friend Tyler.


The Eye!! And of course to the left is a cat and her kittens. I think this is my favorite but I am a cat person.
Now Audrey wants to paint one and bring it up to the school. Any ideas? Maybe Cinderella's carriage.


Erin said...

I called him Kermie...I knew he was a frog, Kermit the Frog!!!

Stick a skewer in the pumpkin and stick the eye on the top of the skewer. Quick fix.

Jennifer said...

Thank you I will do that!