Monday, October 29, 2007

2nd Day in DC

On our second day we decided that we would go to the Capital. Mark went to class and the kids and I slowly got up. We finally made it down for breakfast and discovered only thing left were donuts and boxes of cereal. We ate a little and off we went. We caught the Metro and it was packed. A lot of people going to work.

We got off on the Capital South stop. As we were approaching a policeman asked me if he could help. I told him we were going to the Capital and the Library of Congress. He told me were to go to get tickets. He was really annoying. He kept calling me lady. Want happened to Mam? Maybe it is just a southern thing.

We got our tickets to go to the Capital. We had a one and a half hour wait so we decided to take some pictures and go exploring a little.

We ended up at the US National Botanic Gardens.

These are some of the pretty plants we saw. This one is one that I want. The kids really enjoyed them selves

This one looked like Halloween. It grew orange limbs with black berries or beads on it. This was the kids favorite.

There was a section for children to plant, dig, water and run around. We didn't stay long because Will ended up throwing dirt on Audrey. He couldn't help himself.

After we left the Garden we sat by the reflection pool and ate our snacks. We had to eat and drink everything we had. They do not allow food or drinks (even empty bottles) in the white house. Security is tight.

Will and Audrey in the Rotunda. It is beautiful.

Will and Audrey spent most of their time browsing while I listened to the tour guide. I think Audrey was trying to figure out where we were now. We were in the Old Hall in now serves as National Statuary Hall.

As we left the building we took time for some photo opts.

A lady took this for us. We were still on the Capital building.

We then went to the National American Indian Museum. We looked around and then got a quick bite. Audrey and Will got french fries. I opted for traditional Indian food and got Squash & Duck soup. It was great. Will took a bite and ate and ate and ate my soup until it was gone. I finally asked him if he knew what it was. He said no so I told him. He said he doesn't like squash. I told him he obviously does.

Next we went to the National Air and Space Museum.

Will and Audrey pose in a plane for me.

The National Museum of American History was closed so they donated a little (I mean little) space for some displays in the Air and Space Museum.

Audrey poses with Dorthy's red slippers and the scarecrow.

Will as you all know is my Star Wars boy. He was thrilled to see C3-PO and R2-D2.

Audrey of course is a Barbie girl. So there is no explaining this.

Will poses with the Wright Brothers. We tried to read everything but Audrey was always going off. She didn't find it as interesting as Will and I.

After we left there, we went to the Carousel. It was around 4:30. We were going to go to the National Museum of Natural History but it was to late. It closes at 5:30 and we wanted to enjoy ourselves. As I waited for the kids Mark called and we decided to meet him for dinner.
Remember when I said the morning ride on the metro was tight. It was nothing compared to the ride back. Some people couldn't even get on. I was like a tigress protecting her young. I found a little spot and wouldn't let anyone near my young. We almost missed our destination because of the tightness but the doors got stuck so we were able to make our way to the door.
Good thing because Mark was there waiting. We walked and went and ate at Rock Bottoms Brewery.

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