Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bogos Suprise

I have introduced you to Bentley and Cindy but I haven't introduced you to my cats. We have one cat that is named Princess Barbie and another named Bogo. Barbie stays inside must of the time and when she does go out she doesn't leave the patio. Now Bogo is our hunter and brings all sorts of things up to the front or back door. A matter of fact he is not allowed to eat for the next 8 hours. He ate a bird, a crow to be exact. I know this because remains were left by the front door. UGGH. Mark cleaned must of it up but we still have a bird foot there. I feel like we are practicing voodoo with that thing there. Anyway, I was sitting at the table and I heard one of the cats meowing. I told Audrey to go outside and see what the problem was. She yelled, "Bogo caught something again!" All I could think of was if he caught something why is he meowing so much. So I went outside and realized he didn't catch something but something caught him.

Yes, that is a lizard on the side of his face. I couldn't help laugh. I could tell Bogo wasn't as happy as me.
Here he is. A lizard with fur and one whisker in mouth. I put him close to Bogo and Bogo just turned his head he didn't want anymore of that.

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