Thursday, November 1, 2007

4th Day in DC & Happy Halloween

I am trying to catch up on my days. On this day it was Halloween and so the kids wanted to dress up as we spent our 4Th day in DC. How could I tell them No.

We first went to the Washington Monument. We went all the way up top. I kept telling the kids they were going to have to walk up the stairs. I thought Audrey was going to cry. She was so happy to see the elevator. You can see up to 25 miles. Next we went to the World War II Memorial. Will liked reading everything. I teared up so he hugged me. Audrey well she just was trying to find places for me to take her picture.

So here is the Lincoln Memorial. We will eventually make it there. It was such a beautiful day. I think Will took the picture on the left (of course he didn't take the one with him in it, duh).

We go to the Korean Memorial. These statues were so, I don't even have words for it.

We finally made it to the Lincoln Memorial and will took the pictures. He didn't bring his camera out today so I let him take pictures with mine.

Now we are at the Vietnam Memorial. It was so heartfelt. Will took the first picture here. He read the names asked me questions, read all the notes left to by loved ones. He told me he was proud to be an American. I started to cry. He then told me that these men died for us. I told him I know baby.

Here some more of Will. I couldn't stop taking pictures of him. He was so amazed.

After we left the Memorials, I decided to take pictures of them. Will was a zombie and as you can see Audrey was a tiger. She told me she was LSU tiger "MIKE"

Next we went to The National Museum of Natural History. Will started going crazy with the camera. He took almost all these pictures.
He was very impressed with this one.

This is my favorite picture. They are so funny. I think I am going to hang this one on my wall.

Just some more pics.

I asked Will if he wanted to take this picture of burial markers. He told me, "No Mama, that is in appropriate for me to take. He couldn't even really look at it so of course I took the picture. I thought it was interesting. Of course I am 30 something and he is 8.

We went back to the hotel and got ready to go trick or treating. We were going to Ballston Mall.

After they trick or treated (which the got a lot of candy) we went to the Mexican restaurant we ate at the first night we were there. It was so good. Will poses for me for one last pic of the night.

And Audrey gives me the final growl.

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