Monday, November 5, 2007

Last Day in DC

This was our last day in D.C. We went back to the Natural History Museum since we had to leave early yesterday for Halloween. Will brought his camera but ran out of room on his card so he used mine again. We spent a lot of time in here. Later we went outside and they played it was such a beautiful day. I wanted to take them to the Spy museum but I felt bad and they were having so much fun digging in the dirt finding crystals.

Will couldn't resist this one. I would say it reminded him of his Dad but Mark isn't that hairy.

Audrey told Will to take this of her. I tell you that girl likes the camera.

Will took this one because it reminded him of Bogo.

There was a Discovery Room for kids so we went in and I let them play and explore.

I caught Audrey checking out the teeth on the skull.

Will, what a ham.

Once again, Audrey is interested in the teeth. Maybe she will grow up to be my Dentist.

The day was done and we were ready to get home. We woke up at 4:30am Friday to head on out.

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