Saturday, November 10, 2007

NO Kid weekend!

The kids went to my moms yesterday for the weekend. I was hoping this weekend would be better than the last time we took the kids. It is so far. We dropped them off then we went to see 30Days of Night. That was my choice. I like a good horror flick, or sci-fi. This movie was more gross than scary. I like to be scared not grossed out. I got the popcorn I have been waiting for. It was great. After the movie we shopped for a little bit (I mean like 15 minutes max). Then we went and ate sushi. I think I now prefer salmon over eel. Never thought that was going to happen. After that Mark got him some ice cream at Stone Cold Creamery. I told him I didn't want any but he got them to put cookie dough in it knowing I was going to eat some. I took a few bites but just didn't want it. Then we came home, it was 8:30. Boy, have times changed. I got in is underwear (no, he was not in them. I sleep in them.) and got in the bed and I feel asleep. This morning he has been cleaning. I mean dusting, vacuuming, folding clothes, picking up. What a man I have. I appreciate all of it. I on the other hand have been enjoying not doing any of that.
The LSU vs. Tech game comes on tonight. Not on any local stations so of course Mark bought it. He invited some friends over so we will be watching that game. Well that is it for now I need to go do nothing before I have to do something.

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