Monday, August 20, 2007

Audrey's First Day

Audrey and her new friend Emily.
Audrey and her friend Drake.

Audrey and Bentley ready to start the day.

Well today was busy. Audrey started Kindergarten today. She was so excited. She had her alarm set at 6:30 this morning. She came in and told me it was time to get up. She ate breakfast then we got her ready, took a few pictures off we went. (leaving my purse, Wills lunch, my PTA stuff) When we arrived she saw her friend Drake. He was nervous, but not Audrey. I went into her room (took more pictures) then said my goodbyes. I think I was more upset that she wasn't upset to see me leave. A matter of fact she wanted me to go. Then I went to the boo-hoo breakfast. It was nice. And no I did not boo-hoo then. I did however get close to it on my way home. I then got my stuff and went to my friend Mandy's house we went for our 31/2 mile walk. Then I went up to the school to help with lunch with the Kindergartner's. All I have to say about that was what an experience. whew. After that met Mandy, and we took care of football things, grabbed a bite to eat and off to run more errands before we had to pick up kids from school.

I went to pick up Audrey and waited anxiously for to come out and she did and ignored me. I hugged her and she pushed me away. She just wanted to eat her Doritos. She said she had a good time so I was glad to hear that. Came home made dinner, ate and off again. Football practice at 5:30, parents meeting at 6:00 (so I had to leave football early) over at 6:30 and back to football practice I went til 7:30. Came home bathed Audrey brushed her hair and put her to bed. Mark took care of Will and did the same with him. So now I can blog. So that was my day. Oh yes, I had 4 chocolate chip cookies Mark made and they were delicious.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I wore the same exact plaid from kindergarten through 8th grade.

Can't wait to hear all about your teacher!