Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Seregate Mother & Wife

Audrey & Emma getting ready to play dressup.

The boys doing there homework.

Well my friends were in need today so I came to the rescue. Mandy and Steve were in a bind. Both working and not enough time to do everything. So I picked up Daisy from the groomers (sorry no picture of her new do). Picked up all of our kids (5 total). Went to their Dads work and picked up Tylers football uniform. Then to their house to pick up cleats. Oh yeah, did I forget to say I dropped Daisy off and set there alarm off and there phone was dead so I couldn't call to get the code. So I had to find my phone outside to call Steve to get the code but by this time the police were already on their way. And I am now deaf in my left ear. That thing was loud. Ok, back to my day. All the kids came in and started on homework and finished. Emma and Audrey went upstairs to play. We will be leaving soon to go eat. Complements of Jake, Tyler and Emma's Dad. After that I will drop off Tyler at football practice (we don't have practice til tomorrow). Then we will come home and wait for Mandy. I will blog some more later. Maybe after a few drinks.

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