Thursday, August 30, 2007


I come to check on will and well him and Cindy were talking to his dad and watching.....
you got it LSU!!!!!
He is getting really excited the score is 31 to 0. Of course LSU lead.

Even Bentley is getting into the game. He couldn't let Will out do him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will is picking up some tips from the player on the TV.

And here is Audrey enjoying the game in my bed sound asleep. So much for me having the bed to myself tonight. Mark is in Colorado playing music with the guys. Hope he is having fun! I am getting ready to go put dinner up, which was red beans and rice. That is my sister Erin's favorite. If she would ever come visit I would make it for her. I made it because I really needed the fiber. Having trouble in that area lately. Tomorrows menu cabbage and rice. The rice is really for Audrey. She doesn't care for beans and cabbage. Will on the other hand loves beans. I will probably make corn tomorrow also. Ok, I am tired so have a great night everyone.

1 comment:

Erin said...

What a stinky house you'll have this weekend! I can't take the smell of cooking cabbage! I say you come on down and take care of Daddy.