Monday, December 31, 2007


Mark went and got some fireworks for the kids and Will had his friend Kaden spend the night. So we played Guitar Hero and American Idol on playstation then outside we went. Bentley only lasted a little while. He hates loud noises. Mark told the kids the safety rules then showed them how to light bottle rockets. Will lit the first one then Will taught Audrey.

I am not sure what is up with the cowboy hat. He helped Audrey light the bottle rocket.

Audrey, Kaden and Will fooling around waiting for us to get the next batch of works going.

And of course we also had the traditional Sparklers. Those are my favorite. We had all colors.

Mark and Will lit the last one together.
Now everyone is in bed (including me). Mark and I just watched the ball drop in New York. So let me be the first to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone has a great year. Now I need to spend some 2008 snuggle time with my husband.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

You won't believe this but I did not take one picture at Christmas. We did video tape it but that is about it. I could not believe it when I went to look at pictures and found none. So I apologize. We had a great time. We had family from South Louisiana, Mid New Jersey and Brooklyn New York come to town. We went to my mothers for Christmas and there we ate and ate and ate. My brother and Aunts walked after the dinner. While on our walk two puppies followed us. We went house to house trying to find their home. When we couldn't find anyone we left them right where they started following us (after we fed them and loved them a little). Right then a car drove up to the only empty house and the puppies went running. That was our excitement.
The day after Christmas my Aunt Patti and my mother did the annual day after Christmas shopping. Janie and I (along with the kids) stayed in our pajamas all day. We played the Wii they got for Christmas. I really enjoy that thing even though I pulled a muscle in my shoulder when we were playing the bowling game. Will wished he had gotten one until he played his Guitar Hero on the PlayStation2. Yes, I play it as well and I do rock! It was a nice Christmas.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just not in the mood

I have been hum bug lately. I love to shop but this time of year it sucks. There are to many people in stores and everyone is rude. I like to look when I shop and take my time. Today a lady was looking through my basket. When I told her that it was my basket she said she has been looking for one of the things I had in my basket. I told her sorry. So the day goes on and more shopping to be done blah blah blah!
Audrey performed in the 5th grade choir. She was the only Kindergarten er. She sang Rudolph. She did great. I have pictures to put up on the blog but I just don't feel like doing that either. One day when I am not so stressed I will get back to it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

LSU #2

That's right LSU will be in the National Championship!!!!!!!


As everyone must know by now LSU beat Tennessee with their second string quarterback. It was exciting. Next was the #1 team and #2 team playoffs and they lost. So here we are sitting waiting for the BCS polls to see if LSU moves to #2 and gets to play for the National Title. We have looked up all other polls and two have put in results which put Ohio in the #1 spot and LSU in the #2 spot. So there is hope. I have to leave and get the kids but will post when I get in and let everyone know the results.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

More Days

I have been busy at the kids school. Also around the house getting ready for Audrey's party. Anyway check this out if I didn't e-mail it to you.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

LSU vs. Arkansas

Yes, LSU lost in another triple overtime. That seems to be the only way we can lose. It was a sad night. Will and Mark went to the game and Will blamed Mark for bothering his friend that LSU was going to win. Oh well, we will see what we are ranked tomorrow.


Ok, I haven't blogged or kept ya'll in the loop. We left Monday and went to my Aunts house. Not much happened except hanging out and enjoying each others company. Then we left and went to Neans and Pops (my in laws). There we just enjoyed family. Oh, I forgot, and we ate and ate and ate and ate. I can't fit in any of my pants so I wore sweats home today. Anyway back to the trip. We went to my nieces wedding shower and that is pretty much it.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Cindy's Surgery

Well this Friday it has been three weeks since Cindy's knee surgery. They pulled her ligaments tighter and put some synthetic material in, in the hopes scar tissue will develop around it and keep her knees from popping out. She has soft casts on so she can't get them wet. Today was the first day of rain so I had to put plastic on her feet with wrapping tape. She does really well.

Another Day of Parties

This morning I started decorating for Christmas. Audrey started helping and off we go. I slowly took things out of the attic. I wanted to get a start on the decorating since it takes so long to put up and then it isn't up for a long time. Mark was putting the shutters up that he painted for me. And Will was still at Kaden's.
Bogo decided to help out as well. He tore some wrapping paper up. He took out greenery that was in bags, he chewed on bows and he attacked anyone that walked by the bag. I love that cat!!
Audrey needed to take a break. She is such a diva.

Audrey and I got ready and met Will at the skating rink for the swim team party. He was having a great time. Audrey put her skates on and went as well.

After we left the skating rink we went to a skateboard place for another birthday party. Will had no fear. I was really impressed.

Now, Audrey had a little more fear. She stood there and stood there and stood there.

And she finally went.

Audrey, Hannah and Macy pose for a picture. Don't they look like boarders. Audrey was filthy after we left I thought about throwing her clothes away. I did go to Best Buy after we left to get a gift and took her in the store oh well.
When we got home I was surprised to see Mark had decorated some more and did a wonderful job. He really is in touch with his female side. He is such a good decorator. I put Audrey in the tub and started the laundry. Now I am waiting for a load to finish so I can put the other one in the dryer.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Movie 1408

I rented the movie 1408 with John Cusack and I still am not sure of the ending. I watched it didn't miss a thing but am still confused. Would I recommend this to anyone. HMMM, I don't know. I will let you decided and if you do see it please enlighten me on the ending.

LSU vs Ole Miss

Even though I didn't get to see much of the game I did get to watch the 4th quarter and watch LSU show everyone why they are number one. They defeated Ole Miss by 17 points. Arkansas is Friday. GEAUX TIGERS!!

Beginning of Thanksgiving Holiday

Today started our Thanksgiving holiday. We went ice skating in the morning. Yes, that is right ice skating and it was outside. It was 72 degrees today and we were outside ice skating. In some areas of the rink were a little wetter than others. Anyway it was fun. Audrey did a lot better than the first time and Will did really good.

Will was proud of his success this time. The last time we skated he had a little trouble.
Audrey decided to take a picture of Will and I. We stood there so long that we started getting off balance.

Audrey was the first one off the ice but she wanted everyone to know she went. So she is showing off her arm band.
We left the rink to go to a bowling birthday party, but I realized I forgot the present. We went all the way back home to get the present and off we went again.

Mr. Russ helps Audrey bowl. This contraption helps her get it down the lane a little faster.

Will would just throw it down the lane. At least his made it down the alley pretty fast. The Alley was dark with glowing lights. The kids had a great time.
After the party was over I brought Will to Kadens to spend the night. Then Audrey and I went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some things for our Christmas wreath. Finally we came home and ate watch the last of the LSU game.

Audrey's Thanksgiving Feast

This week Audrey had her Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast. Each class had to decorate their own table. Needless to say I decorated ours and of course it was the best. You can't tell in these pictures because the kids had already been eating and playing with things. (Just wanted to toot my own horn for a minute there). The kids were so happy when they walked in. They had turkey, popcorn, corn muffins, brownies, grapes, spice muffins, and cheese. Audrey wore an Indian dress that my brothers Peter and Andrew wore as shirts when they were little. (They are 25 & 27 now). The other kids painted tye dyed t-shirts and then we cut them. Some dressed like pilgrims.

Audrey and Leighton play with there muffins.
This is Drake with Audrey. Drake lives next door to us. They play everyday they can after school. Aren't they cute.

Hannah, Emily, Audrey, Macy and Caleb decide to pose for a picture, well not really Caleb. I think between his mother and us he was forced or that is what he wants you to believe. He slowly moved his way over to the girls.

Grandparents Day

Ok, I have been really busy and forgot some things I wanted to blog about. Will had Grandparents day a week ago. His grade put on the program for the grandparents in the morning and the parents in the afternoon. The theme was red, white and blue, Celebration of America. It was really good. I video taped it. I would put it on here if I could figure that out. But I am not that knowledgeable on this thing. My sister has to lead me through some of the things on here. Anyway, Grandparents day was successful.

Will and his friends pose for a picture that will go in the yearbook. Aren't they cute.

Monday, November 12, 2007

LSU vs. LA. Tech

There really isn't much to say. That is why I haven't posted anything. But LSU is now #1 again. That is all I have to say on this matter.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

NO Kid weekend!

The kids went to my moms yesterday for the weekend. I was hoping this weekend would be better than the last time we took the kids. It is so far. We dropped them off then we went to see 30Days of Night. That was my choice. I like a good horror flick, or sci-fi. This movie was more gross than scary. I like to be scared not grossed out. I got the popcorn I have been waiting for. It was great. After the movie we shopped for a little bit (I mean like 15 minutes max). Then we went and ate sushi. I think I now prefer salmon over eel. Never thought that was going to happen. After that Mark got him some ice cream at Stone Cold Creamery. I told him I didn't want any but he got them to put cookie dough in it knowing I was going to eat some. I took a few bites but just didn't want it. Then we came home, it was 8:30. Boy, have times changed. I got in is underwear (no, he was not in them. I sleep in them.) and got in the bed and I feel asleep. This morning he has been cleaning. I mean dusting, vacuuming, folding clothes, picking up. What a man I have. I appreciate all of it. I on the other hand have been enjoying not doing any of that.
The LSU vs. Tech game comes on tonight. Not on any local stations so of course Mark bought it. He invited some friends over so we will be watching that game. Well that is it for now I need to go do nothing before I have to do something.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Will & Bogo

Will fell asleep on the couch and decided to use Bogo as a pillow. But Bogo doesn't seem to mind.

LSU vs. Alabama

All I have to say about this game is it could give you an ulcer. I had to leave just so my stomach would settle down. So I turned on a movie and kept going back to the game on commercials. Then I wouldn't turn it again and there my stomach would go again. But I did watch the entire last 5 minutes. I almost got sick. But we pulled it out. GEAUX TIGERS!!!

Christmas Presents

While we were in the museum Audrey saw this tiara and asked me if Daddy could get it for her for Christmas. I told her we would take a picture and show him what she wanted. As we move on she continues to find things she wants.
She liked the first necklace. Will didn't care for any of it. Then I found something for me as well.

I think you will all agree that this would be a wonderful present.

Last Day in DC

This was our last day in D.C. We went back to the Natural History Museum since we had to leave early yesterday for Halloween. Will brought his camera but ran out of room on his card so he used mine again. We spent a lot of time in here. Later we went outside and they played it was such a beautiful day. I wanted to take them to the Spy museum but I felt bad and they were having so much fun digging in the dirt finding crystals.

Will couldn't resist this one. I would say it reminded him of his Dad but Mark isn't that hairy.

Audrey told Will to take this of her. I tell you that girl likes the camera.

Will took this one because it reminded him of Bogo.

There was a Discovery Room for kids so we went in and I let them play and explore.

I caught Audrey checking out the teeth on the skull.

Will, what a ham.

Once again, Audrey is interested in the teeth. Maybe she will grow up to be my Dentist.

The day was done and we were ready to get home. We woke up at 4:30am Friday to head on out.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

4th Day in DC & Happy Halloween

I am trying to catch up on my days. On this day it was Halloween and so the kids wanted to dress up as we spent our 4Th day in DC. How could I tell them No.

We first went to the Washington Monument. We went all the way up top. I kept telling the kids they were going to have to walk up the stairs. I thought Audrey was going to cry. She was so happy to see the elevator. You can see up to 25 miles. Next we went to the World War II Memorial. Will liked reading everything. I teared up so he hugged me. Audrey well she just was trying to find places for me to take her picture.

So here is the Lincoln Memorial. We will eventually make it there. It was such a beautiful day. I think Will took the picture on the left (of course he didn't take the one with him in it, duh).

We go to the Korean Memorial. These statues were so, I don't even have words for it.

We finally made it to the Lincoln Memorial and will took the pictures. He didn't bring his camera out today so I let him take pictures with mine.

Now we are at the Vietnam Memorial. It was so heartfelt. Will took the first picture here. He read the names asked me questions, read all the notes left to by loved ones. He told me he was proud to be an American. I started to cry. He then told me that these men died for us. I told him I know baby.

Here some more of Will. I couldn't stop taking pictures of him. He was so amazed.

After we left the Memorials, I decided to take pictures of them. Will was a zombie and as you can see Audrey was a tiger. She told me she was LSU tiger "MIKE"

Next we went to The National Museum of Natural History. Will started going crazy with the camera. He took almost all these pictures.
He was very impressed with this one.

This is my favorite picture. They are so funny. I think I am going to hang this one on my wall.

Just some more pics.

I asked Will if he wanted to take this picture of burial markers. He told me, "No Mama, that is in appropriate for me to take. He couldn't even really look at it so of course I took the picture. I thought it was interesting. Of course I am 30 something and he is 8.

We went back to the hotel and got ready to go trick or treating. We were going to Ballston Mall.

After they trick or treated (which the got a lot of candy) we went to the Mexican restaurant we ate at the first night we were there. It was so good. Will poses for me for one last pic of the night.

And Audrey gives me the final growl.