Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bad Mom !?

It started the week of teacher appreciation. Will came home and showed me his arm. It was swollen. He said he was trying to jump on a bar at recess and he slipped and fell. I looked at it and called the pediatrician. The nurse told me to put ice on it and give him ibuprofen. If it looked worse in the morning to bring him in. Well he wasn't any worse. He could move his fingers and pick up light objects so we didn't worry about it. So Thursday we went to my in-laws and Pop looked at it and said he thought it could be fractured and that we needed to bring him to the ER. So Pop, Will and Mark went to the ER. They came back 3 hours later and yes Will's growth plate was fractured. I felt so bad. As a mom I should have known that it was fractured. I told him how sorry I was.

He didn't like the cast but seemed to be getting along ok with it. He had it on for 3 weeks and got it off on a Tuesday. So that Saturday we had a big bon fire and all the kids played. Later that night I looked for Audrey and she had put herself to bed. The next morning she came in and told me her foot hurt when she walked. I asked her what happened and she said one of the older boys fell on her and she heard a crack. I told her she was fine. Later we were outside and I saw her ankle was bruised and swollen. I just figured it was sprained since she was walking on it. The next morning on the way to school it was still swollen so I told her I would take her to the pediatrician. I figured she needed an ace bandage. The Dr. to x-rays came back and said that Audrey's growth plate was fractured and I needed to go to the orthopedic surgeon. So we went and she got a cast on. Yes, she picked out the barbie pink cast. She had friends sign it.
So my question is should I have known instinctively that my kids had broken bones??? (ok, fractured). After asking other mothers around here they have been through the same thing. All I know any time something is swollen on them we are going to the DR..

1 comment:

Erin said...

Ok, I need more posts more often! I can't read all of this at once.

Miss and love you guys...