Saturday, May 10, 2008


This spring it became a sad day when realized two of our oaks were dead. We started getting bids to have them cut down. We didn't really pursue any because it was sad. Mark even decided his friend and him were going to cut it down themselves and not hit the band house or the well or the fence or anything else. As much as I love and believe in my husband this is one project I just don't trust in leave in his hands. Today these men stopped by and gave me a bid. They were working in the neighborhood. The bid sounded great and before I could say yes one was up in my tree.

Here is what the trees looked liked. The man just climbed up the tree and started. I was so amazed.
If you look really hard you can see him up in the tree.
He is strapped in and hooked to the tree so he won't fall.

And here comes a limb.

This one they decided to use the truck to manipulate where the tree piece would fall.

This is the after view. The men broke their saws and said they needed bigger something I don't know I only half listen I think. They said they would be back Monday.

Now this is why our tree died. There are canals with big black ants. There must be hundreds of them.
This tree was hollowed out.

Now this tree is still alive but as you can see has some problems. My camera's battery died so I couldn't get a close up. Maybe I will get one tomorrow but if any one has any idea how to save this oak and some of our others that look like they have this problem please let me know.

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