Sunday, September 23, 2007

Trip to Moms, Drive from hell

My mother came home from her 5 month stay in PA. The second day home the bug man hit one of her dogs, Delilah. She has about 19 stitches in one leg and her other one is in a cast.

So here is Delilah with a plastic bag over her cast. She has to have this put on to go outside and tinkle and well you know do the other business.

Audrey spent the weekend with my mom (her grandmother). She wanted to help take care of Delilah. So this morning Will and I decided to go get Audrey. When we got in the car Cindy got in so we decided to take her with us. While we were there we had to hold Cindy pretty much the entire time so Mom's dogs wouldn't eat her. We stayed a few hours. Mom and I started a project to a bedroom upstairs which I took pictures but will not post them until we have a finished project so you can see the work we put into it. You will be surprised VERY surprised. Any way we left and that is when the drive turn to HELL. If you have a weak stomach do not go on.

Her is Cindy she looks so sweet. Looks were very deceiving today.
She was sitting in my lap on the drive and then wanted to get in Will's lap. She threw up all in his lap. It doesn't look so gross but I cleaned his pants off before I took the picture. We stopped at Dillard's to pick up some new shorts.

Here we have Cindy throwing up below my feet and some on my leg. Okay all I could do was laugh. It was so gross. It did make Will feel better about getting thrown up on, but this was not the worse to come.

Yes that is POO-POO on my checkbook and purse. Now that was all I could take. I had to roll down the window because I was about to throw up. I had my head out dry heaving. Audrey lucked out and didn't get anything except a good laugh. I am glad for her but she did come close to losing her lunch and for all that know Audrey it is easy for her to do. So that was my day. Lets hope tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

Erin said...

There's something about your car, I think, that brings on the puke and ooze.