Monday, September 17, 2007

LSU Game Weekend and Audreys 1st game

Uncle Kim reads Born to be A Tiger too! to Audrey. And so our weekend begins. We stay with Neane and Pop and prepare for the game. The next morning Audrey and Will said they couldn't sleep because they were so excited about Audrey going to her first game.
Jake and Will chilling before the game. Will and Jake are in the same grade and play on the same football team which Jake's Daddy is head coach.

Audrey is so excited. This is her first game. She has been counting down this moment since she was three. She brought everything the books little girl had. The book is about a little girl who goes to her first LSU game. Great book!

Mark gets the boys ready for the game.

And here they are Will, Jake and Tyler. Now they are ready for the game.

This is Jake and Tyler's first game too!! I am really glad they came with us.

Mark sits and watches the kids on the Indian Mounds. Isn't he cute. That's my man!!

Here are the kids running to the mounds! They are going to slide on the seat cushions. It didn't work to well.

Audrey runs down the mound trying not to fall. She fell a couple of times. Now the boys just rolled down the hill.

Will Jake and Audrey hang out by Mike IX cage. They can't see him from here so the move and move and

Audrey dancing to the music. That is my girl.

Audrey and I dance too the Molly Ringwalds. My girl loves to dance just like her mommy.

Audrey meets a cheerleader. I think that was the highlight of the game for her.

Everyone smiles for the camera but Will. I am not sure what he is looking at but he is excited about something. Of course, they all have been excited all day. We even tailgated for a while and they played football with some older boys.

Audrey cheers at one of the touchdowns. She is such a fan. I think she just wants to be like her brother. She told me she wants to be a LSU cheerleader one day so she can cheer for Will while he plays football for them.

She wanted me to take a picture of the score board. Unfortunately for Mid-Tennessee that was not the final score. The final score was 44 to 0. Yeah, LSU!!!!

Here's Audrey's shoes we painted for the game. They got scuffed up when a drunk man knocked her over. Her hand and knee also got scuffed up but she was a trooper. She never cried. There's no crying at football games. Also when we got home she had a blister the size of a quarter and it had popped with no skin left and she never cried or complained until we got in the car.

Now I am sure you thought the boys would be watching the game, WRONG! Instead the boys flirted with these girls behind them. First Tyler started talking to them and throwing peanuts at them. Then Will and Jake moved in on his territory and he stopped. But not Jake and Will, matter of fact after we left they asked if they could call Crystal. I think that is the girl in the purple jersey. I told them no that the did not even know her last name. They said that was ok because they would just call all the Crystals in the phone book. I said NO!

And so the weekend is over and off we go back home. The car is packed and we go. The weekend was great. Cindy also traveled with us and met Neane and Pop. I think my in-laws liked her too. We also went to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law house. Saturday before the game the kids went swimming. Thank goodness, they needed to take out the rest of their energy before they took a nap. Well the game is over and so is the weekend. I think I have caught up on blogging.

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