Saturday, September 8, 2007

Football Game or Triathlon

I had to start out the day by deciding which activity I should go to and which one Mark would go to. Well, I am one of the assistant coaches on the football team, so I should go to the game. If it was that easy. I also had committed to help with the triathlon Audrey would be doing. So I decided I would do the triathlon since I had committed to that 1st. And Mark took Will to the game.
Audrey and her friend Gracie did pretty good coming out of the water they were like 3 and 5 coming out and then off they went on their bikes. And that is when it happened, they came in last. Both rode with training wheels and so they were slow. If I could only use that as an excuse. Other kids rode with training wheels and came in quickly. My girl and her friend were busy talking. When the came in they ran out and then began to walk so I caught up with them to push them to run. They did even though they complained about their legs and knees. I do have to say I am proud of both of them because they both finished an ran in to the finish. They got some drinks and off we went. Next, Will's football game.
We arrive to his game right when the called end of game. Oh well, we won. So I got their in time to congrat my players. Next, Cole's birthday party.
We go home get ready gift ready and off we go. We get to the party 30 minutes late. Audrey and Will go down the slide about 10 times and then Audrey and I had to leave for another party. So off we go.
Now we are at the mall to pick up the present. Audrey picks it out and we make a quick bathroom break. 20 minutes late we get to the party at the pool. I hang out with friends and talk. Mark then calls because he needs to meet Karliegh to pick up Ava. So he picks up Will and brings him to the pool. We stay another hour and a half so he can swim. We finally come home and once again get ready and take Audrey to a slumber party. Home again. So now I am getting ready to go over to Mandy's for a little bit. To watch the game really. Mark is going to stay home with Ava so he can put her to bed. Will is at the neighbors having a game party. We were invited so I will probably go over their as well. So I need to say bye and will blog later.

Audrey and Will after the tri and football game. They play hard.

I asked Will and Cole to smile for the camera and this is what I get. Will and Cole have been best friends since Will was 3 weeks old and Cole 3 days old.

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