Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lunch Date

Today, I had lunch with a dear friend of mine. Pat, I haven't seen her since her wedding last year or was it the year before? No last year. It was a fairytale wedding and Audrey was her flower girl. Audrey calls her Aunt Pat. We had a great lunch at Cantina Laredo. I highly recommend it. Anyway, it was a good lunch she also gave me a gift for Audrey she had got her when she went to New York.

After that I went home got swim gear ready for swim team, football gear ready for practice after swim team practice and snacks and drinks. Then I left and picked the kids up from school and to swim practice we went. Mark met me there so I could take Audrey home after practice and we did not have to go to football. Thank goodness. Audrey with her presents!

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