Friday, September 28, 2007

Spider attack

I am walking along in our front yard and maybe you can see what I almost ran into.
If you look close you will be able to see.
Yes, that big spider. It scared me so bad I screamed and Cindy couldn't finish her business.
I went in and got my camera and shot a lot of different angles.

I also got a few close ups. It was hard to do since it was dark out.


Thursday, September 27, 2007


My husband is driving me crazy. He has let me know of all my grammatical errors I have put on my blog. Let me say this,"I DON'T CARE!". A lot of times when I am on this I just type what is in my head. I do check it but it is hard to check your own work. Anyway he works primarily from home. So I always have him with me. Letting me know that there is a more efficient way to pick up and clean things. I love him but uggghhhh. OK, I will finish this rant later.


I went to the dentist yesterday and I don't know about ya'll but I hate going there. I would rather go to the girl Dr. then go to the dentist. I have hyper sensitive teeth so they have to go through an entire process before they ever even start cleaning my teeth. So I sat and let them do there business and almost choked a few times on water that they used. Why, well because they numb my entire mouth before the process of putting other numbing stuff on. Anyway after all is well and done I go to the gym where I realize I am drooling. Yes, drooling, while I am on the treadmill. What can I say, I am a drooler. The worst thing about the experience is I woke up this morning and my gums hurt boo-hoo. Oh well I need to go and do whatever it is I do. I will blog later. My head isn't all here to be doing this.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Trip to Moms, Drive from hell

My mother came home from her 5 month stay in PA. The second day home the bug man hit one of her dogs, Delilah. She has about 19 stitches in one leg and her other one is in a cast.

So here is Delilah with a plastic bag over her cast. She has to have this put on to go outside and tinkle and well you know do the other business.

Audrey spent the weekend with my mom (her grandmother). She wanted to help take care of Delilah. So this morning Will and I decided to go get Audrey. When we got in the car Cindy got in so we decided to take her with us. While we were there we had to hold Cindy pretty much the entire time so Mom's dogs wouldn't eat her. We stayed a few hours. Mom and I started a project to a bedroom upstairs which I took pictures but will not post them until we have a finished project so you can see the work we put into it. You will be surprised VERY surprised. Any way we left and that is when the drive turn to HELL. If you have a weak stomach do not go on.

Her is Cindy she looks so sweet. Looks were very deceiving today.
She was sitting in my lap on the drive and then wanted to get in Will's lap. She threw up all in his lap. It doesn't look so gross but I cleaned his pants off before I took the picture. We stopped at Dillard's to pick up some new shorts.

Here we have Cindy throwing up below my feet and some on my leg. Okay all I could do was laugh. It was so gross. It did make Will feel better about getting thrown up on, but this was not the worse to come.

Yes that is POO-POO on my checkbook and purse. Now that was all I could take. I had to roll down the window because I was about to throw up. I had my head out dry heaving. Audrey lucked out and didn't get anything except a good laugh. I am glad for her but she did come close to losing her lunch and for all that know Audrey it is easy for her to do. So that was my day. Lets hope tomorrow will be better.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Wills Second Game and My first

Game is over and we lost bad. I don't even know the score. Our boys were just, well, off. Mark took this picture. Yes, I am a coach. I am more like a team Mom. If any one is hurt or misbehaving I handle them. The man in the pants and the man in the khaki shorts are just Dads. I am not sure why they came to our huddle. Maybe this Saturday we will play better. I don't mind if they lose I just don't like when the act as if they never have played.

LSU Game Weekend and Audreys 1st game

Uncle Kim reads Born to be A Tiger too! to Audrey. And so our weekend begins. We stay with Neane and Pop and prepare for the game. The next morning Audrey and Will said they couldn't sleep because they were so excited about Audrey going to her first game.
Jake and Will chilling before the game. Will and Jake are in the same grade and play on the same football team which Jake's Daddy is head coach.

Audrey is so excited. This is her first game. She has been counting down this moment since she was three. She brought everything the books little girl had. The book is about a little girl who goes to her first LSU game. Great book!

Mark gets the boys ready for the game.

And here they are Will, Jake and Tyler. Now they are ready for the game.

This is Jake and Tyler's first game too!! I am really glad they came with us.

Mark sits and watches the kids on the Indian Mounds. Isn't he cute. That's my man!!

Here are the kids running to the mounds! They are going to slide on the seat cushions. It didn't work to well.

Audrey runs down the mound trying not to fall. She fell a couple of times. Now the boys just rolled down the hill.

Will Jake and Audrey hang out by Mike IX cage. They can't see him from here so the move and move and

Audrey dancing to the music. That is my girl.

Audrey and I dance too the Molly Ringwalds. My girl loves to dance just like her mommy.

Audrey meets a cheerleader. I think that was the highlight of the game for her.

Everyone smiles for the camera but Will. I am not sure what he is looking at but he is excited about something. Of course, they all have been excited all day. We even tailgated for a while and they played football with some older boys.

Audrey cheers at one of the touchdowns. She is such a fan. I think she just wants to be like her brother. She told me she wants to be a LSU cheerleader one day so she can cheer for Will while he plays football for them.

She wanted me to take a picture of the score board. Unfortunately for Mid-Tennessee that was not the final score. The final score was 44 to 0. Yeah, LSU!!!!

Here's Audrey's shoes we painted for the game. They got scuffed up when a drunk man knocked her over. Her hand and knee also got scuffed up but she was a trooper. She never cried. There's no crying at football games. Also when we got home she had a blister the size of a quarter and it had popped with no skin left and she never cried or complained until we got in the car.

Now I am sure you thought the boys would be watching the game, WRONG! Instead the boys flirted with these girls behind them. First Tyler started talking to them and throwing peanuts at them. Then Will and Jake moved in on his territory and he stopped. But not Jake and Will, matter of fact after we left they asked if they could call Crystal. I think that is the girl in the purple jersey. I told them no that the did not even know her last name. They said that was ok because they would just call all the Crystals in the phone book. I said NO!

And so the weekend is over and off we go back home. The car is packed and we go. The weekend was great. Cindy also traveled with us and met Neane and Pop. I think my in-laws liked her too. We also went to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law house. Saturday before the game the kids went swimming. Thank goodness, they needed to take out the rest of their energy before they took a nap. Well the game is over and so is the weekend. I think I have caught up on blogging.

Over at a friends for the game

Mark and Steve hanging out and chatting.

Well not this past weekend but weekend before we went over to our friends. We even brought Cindy over so she could visit her friend Daisy.

Ava here for a visit

My granddaughter, Ok let me explain, my husbands daughter Karleighs (my stepdaughter) daughter came to visit. Her name is Ava and she is three. Well she came for the week. And we had fun. I love her but now I have realized that I don't want anymore children. I just got use to Audrey doing things for herself so having one that doesn't do for themselves was hard. But she is so sweet.

Bentley backed up and sat right in Ava's lap.

Will receiving his Bible

Weekend before last Will received his bible at church. He was so excited. And we are so proud.

Friday, September 14, 2007


This morning Mark and I ran and walked. He ran a mile but I could only hang in for half of that. Below my calves were hurting. I think it is a tendon. It hurts every time I try to run and when I stop, oh my gosh, it tightens so much I want to cry and half to stretch through the pain. I think it is the shoes. I need to get running shoes I only use for running. Anyway, I caught up with Mark and walked another 3 1/2 miles. Yeah us!!! Ok so I am starting again. I will keep you all posted on my progress. I know you all are so excited. Well I don't care, just put up with me on my getting back in shape and living a healthier life style. By the way, I ate some of Neans (mother in-law) cookies. No Bake cookies, chocolate-peanut butter-oatmeal, yum and fattening. Oh well, I will definitley have to run/walk again tomorrow. Bye

So much new stuff

Ok, I know I haven't written anything lately but after this weekend I will get busy doing it. I am at my in-laws and am fixing to go to bed. I thought I would just give a shout out to let everyone know I am still here. We have been so busy over this past week that I have a lot to blog and a lot of pictures. I will blog probably Sunday after the LSU game. Yes, we are in Baton Rouge for the game. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Football Game or Triathlon

I had to start out the day by deciding which activity I should go to and which one Mark would go to. Well, I am one of the assistant coaches on the football team, so I should go to the game. If it was that easy. I also had committed to help with the triathlon Audrey would be doing. So I decided I would do the triathlon since I had committed to that 1st. And Mark took Will to the game.
Audrey and her friend Gracie did pretty good coming out of the water they were like 3 and 5 coming out and then off they went on their bikes. And that is when it happened, they came in last. Both rode with training wheels and so they were slow. If I could only use that as an excuse. Other kids rode with training wheels and came in quickly. My girl and her friend were busy talking. When the came in they ran out and then began to walk so I caught up with them to push them to run. They did even though they complained about their legs and knees. I do have to say I am proud of both of them because they both finished an ran in to the finish. They got some drinks and off we went. Next, Will's football game.
We arrive to his game right when the called end of game. Oh well, we won. So I got their in time to congrat my players. Next, Cole's birthday party.
We go home get ready gift ready and off we go. We get to the party 30 minutes late. Audrey and Will go down the slide about 10 times and then Audrey and I had to leave for another party. So off we go.
Now we are at the mall to pick up the present. Audrey picks it out and we make a quick bathroom break. 20 minutes late we get to the party at the pool. I hang out with friends and talk. Mark then calls because he needs to meet Karliegh to pick up Ava. So he picks up Will and brings him to the pool. We stay another hour and a half so he can swim. We finally come home and once again get ready and take Audrey to a slumber party. Home again. So now I am getting ready to go over to Mandy's for a little bit. To watch the game really. Mark is going to stay home with Ava so he can put her to bed. Will is at the neighbors having a game party. We were invited so I will probably go over their as well. So I need to say bye and will blog later.

Audrey and Will after the tri and football game. They play hard.

I asked Will and Cole to smile for the camera and this is what I get. Will and Cole have been best friends since Will was 3 weeks old and Cole 3 days old.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lunch Date

Today, I had lunch with a dear friend of mine. Pat, I haven't seen her since her wedding last year or was it the year before? No last year. It was a fairytale wedding and Audrey was her flower girl. Audrey calls her Aunt Pat. We had a great lunch at Cantina Laredo. I highly recommend it. Anyway, it was a good lunch she also gave me a gift for Audrey she had got her when she went to New York.

After that I went home got swim gear ready for swim team, football gear ready for practice after swim team practice and snacks and drinks. Then I left and picked the kids up from school and to swim practice we went. Mark met me there so I could take Audrey home after practice and we did not have to go to football. Thank goodness. Audrey with her presents!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

color mess up

Ok, I decided to paint the kids bathroom. Audrey wanted green, Will wanted blue and I picked a yellowish gold. So of course I won. Well I have used Home Depot for paint before and always have been disappointed. Well I was changing toilet seats (have been asking Mark to do this for 3 years now), and I was already there so I gave them my color to match. When I picked it up he showed me the color and told me when it dried it would match perfect. Yes, I believed this. So I bought it and came home to begin. First when pouring the paint I spill half of it in my tub. All I could say was CRAP. So I begin to paint. Then I slip and my foot goes into the paint. Once again the word CRAP comes out. Audrey continued coming in asking me if I had everything under control because she wanted to help. I felt this wasn't a good idea because of the language coming out of my mouth. Well one of the times she came in she leaned back on the wall. All I could say was, no I did not say that I just said UGGH. I know better when they are around. Well tell me what you think of the colors.

So here are the two paint colors. I picked the one on the left and they gave me the one on the right. Mandy thinks my bathroom looks neon. Mark promised me that he would paint all the cabinets and trim in the bathrooms white within in a month. He has 3 weeks to go. So I figured I will go to Sherwin Williams and get the color I wanted and he can re paint it. Unless, I get enough people telling me they like it. HMMM

Before, Yes it is a mess compliments of Audrey doing makeovers on all her friends.After, the bow holder I made for Audrey to keep her bows straight, even though she doesn't keep them straight. Don't look at the blinds they need to be changed.