Thursday, August 30, 2007


I come to check on will and well him and Cindy were talking to his dad and watching.....
you got it LSU!!!!!
He is getting really excited the score is 31 to 0. Of course LSU lead.

Even Bentley is getting into the game. He couldn't let Will out do him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will is picking up some tips from the player on the TV.

And here is Audrey enjoying the game in my bed sound asleep. So much for me having the bed to myself tonight. Mark is in Colorado playing music with the guys. Hope he is having fun! I am getting ready to go put dinner up, which was red beans and rice. That is my sister Erin's favorite. If she would ever come visit I would make it for her. I made it because I really needed the fiber. Having trouble in that area lately. Tomorrows menu cabbage and rice. The rice is really for Audrey. She doesn't care for beans and cabbage. Will on the other hand loves beans. I will probably make corn tomorrow also. Ok, I am tired so have a great night everyone.

A new member

This is my new nephew Ian. My brother Christian and wife Leslie became parents a couple of days ago. Congrats to them and me for being a new aunt. He is so cute. Well as cute as a newborn can be. You all know it is true. It isn't like they come out looking all glam and stuff.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Ok, I have a problem. I have been walking 4 1/2 miles for over a week and working out at the gym. I have put on 71/2 lbs since I started. I know some of you will say muscles weight more than fat. I can assure you it isn't muscle, especially since my pants do not fit. I am also watching what I eat. I watched the ribs Mark smoked go right down my throat. I usually don't eat them but I have been craving meat bad! Mandy says its an iron deficiency so I am making red beans. Does that have protein? Oh well, I also made a big salad so when Mark goes to Colorado tomorrow I will be on a bean and cabbage diet. Hopefully that will help my waist line. I will let all of you know. I know one thing I will be gassy, good thing he is leaving. I need to go say goodnight to Will. Bye

Catch Up

Alex, Jake and Will making faces.

Will coming down the slide at the pool party.

Audrey is a speed machine.

Here are some pictures from the pool party the other day. It was really crowded. Everyone trying to get that last swim in. Even though the pool is open this weekend.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Ok, I haven't blogged in a few days. Sorry, I do have pictures to put up but my battery in my camera is dead. I have been really busy. I will write more tomorrow. I am tired and want to go to bed.

Friday, August 24, 2007


Well we did our 41/2 mile walk, then came home took showers and off we went again. Errand after errand after errand and I am home. Now I need to fix side items to bring to the pool tonight. It is the End of Summer Bash at the pool tonight so we will be leaving here in 45 minutes to go to that. We are also going to grill out for Mandy's Birthday. This is the calmest I have been typing this but it is short lived. So I will post pictures and other things from the party.

Sending out a Birthday wish

I just started laundry, made up beds, put clothes away, got kids ready for school (Mark brought them), and now I am waiting to walk with Mark. Oh yes, and my friend Mandy. I just wanted to wish her a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I need to go it is 8 am and a lot more to do before Mark gets home and Mandy comes over.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Relaxing Day (so far)

Today was spent walking 4 1/2 miles with Mark. (2ND day doing it. 1st day was 3 miles). Then showering then to Dillard's. Didn't buy much. I used the gift card Mom & Papa gave me for Christmas so no money spent (love it, can't wait to get this years card) . Then to the pool to hang out with the ladies. It was nice and relaxing. The pool closed at 2 so I went to Stephanie's house and visited. She is re-doing her house and she gave me some great ideas. Then went and picked Will, Audrey and Drake up. Now we are at home and Will is doing his homework and I am Blogging. Some of you hopefully have gotten the notice of my address change I did it for security reasons. Unfortunately our world is not safe anymore. Maybe I will blog later on how I feel about that or maybe not. We are going to leaving here shortly for football practice so later.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Walk

Mark and Bentley watching me trying to get up the hill. I think Bentley is laughing at me because I kept sliding down.

Will and Jake chilling by the pond.

The Pond!

Emma and Emma

Emma and Audrey

My walk didn't go as planned. I ended up with one of our neighbors children. She is 3 so she walks a little slower than us. She just wanted to pick up Cindy. We walked to the pond and sat and watched the ducks for a little while. It was a nice slow and hot walk. I need a glass of wine but I don't feel like opening one. Maybe tomorrow.

Home at last

I dropped off Tyler at football. We were late because there was a wreck outside of the church. So of course the kids had to look, look, look and find out what happened.
Here are the girls and Carter eating. They are sharing a BIG piece of chocolae cake. Thats my girls!!!

Well we went and had spaghetti, greenbeans and cake. Yes, I ate the cake. I didn't want to and wasn't really hungry for it but it was chocolate. I am sure all you women understand. Now I am so full I need to go for a walk. If you look near the back of the picture, the brunette with a white shirt is my friend Jamie and Tyler, Jake and Emmas aunt. It was us two with 6 kids. whew!!!

Seregate Mother & Wife

Audrey & Emma getting ready to play dressup.

The boys doing there homework.

Well my friends were in need today so I came to the rescue. Mandy and Steve were in a bind. Both working and not enough time to do everything. So I picked up Daisy from the groomers (sorry no picture of her new do). Picked up all of our kids (5 total). Went to their Dads work and picked up Tylers football uniform. Then to their house to pick up cleats. Oh yeah, did I forget to say I dropped Daisy off and set there alarm off and there phone was dead so I couldn't call to get the code. So I had to find my phone outside to call Steve to get the code but by this time the police were already on their way. And I am now deaf in my left ear. That thing was loud. Ok, back to my day. All the kids came in and started on homework and finished. Emma and Audrey went upstairs to play. We will be leaving soon to go eat. Complements of Jake, Tyler and Emma's Dad. After that I will drop off Tyler at football practice (we don't have practice til tomorrow). Then we will come home and wait for Mandy. I will blog some more later. Maybe after a few drinks.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Bentley & Baby Cindys Haircuts


Baby Cindy

Today was just like others but I did take Bentley and Cindy to be groomed. They just wanted to show off their new dews.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Audrey's First Day

Audrey and her new friend Emily.
Audrey and her friend Drake.

Audrey and Bentley ready to start the day.

Well today was busy. Audrey started Kindergarten today. She was so excited. She had her alarm set at 6:30 this morning. She came in and told me it was time to get up. She ate breakfast then we got her ready, took a few pictures off we went. (leaving my purse, Wills lunch, my PTA stuff) When we arrived she saw her friend Drake. He was nervous, but not Audrey. I went into her room (took more pictures) then said my goodbyes. I think I was more upset that she wasn't upset to see me leave. A matter of fact she wanted me to go. Then I went to the boo-hoo breakfast. It was nice. And no I did not boo-hoo then. I did however get close to it on my way home. I then got my stuff and went to my friend Mandy's house we went for our 31/2 mile walk. Then I went up to the school to help with lunch with the Kindergartner's. All I have to say about that was what an experience. whew. After that met Mandy, and we took care of football things, grabbed a bite to eat and off to run more errands before we had to pick up kids from school.

I went to pick up Audrey and waited anxiously for to come out and she did and ignored me. I hugged her and she pushed me away. She just wanted to eat her Doritos. She said she had a good time so I was glad to hear that. Came home made dinner, ate and off again. Football practice at 5:30, parents meeting at 6:00 (so I had to leave football early) over at 6:30 and back to football practice I went til 7:30. Came home bathed Audrey brushed her hair and put her to bed. Mark took care of Will and did the same with him. So now I can blog. So that was my day. Oh yes, I had 4 chocolate chip cookies Mark made and they were delicious.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Busy Day

Today I had a meeting for Audrey's first day of Kindergarten. She starts tomorrow and I will let everyone know how our day went. She is so excited that she is in bed and asleep already. She wants to wear one of her jumpers. I will walk her to her classroom then go to a boohoo breakfast.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A Long Day

Today was Will's first football practice. I am his assistant coach this year. It is very interesting. I am learning as I go. After practice I took the kids to the pool. It wasn't that bad today because it was only in the 90's instead of the 100's. We stayed about 5 hours. The kids had a great time. Then we came home with their friends: Jake, Emma, and Massey. Then the neighbors came over: Drake, Mary Lauren & friend. 3 of them are spending the night. It keeps the kids busy so I have been doing dishes and cleaning. So far the day has been pretty good.

Friday, August 17, 2007


Getting ready for the tri to begin.
I am working in transition to help all!

This summer Will and Audrey have been doing triathalons. Unfortunatley we do not have pictures of Audrey. But we do have some of Will. This is his 2nd year participating in them. He really likes them. And we are very proud of him for doing them. He has learned it isn't about winning it is about finishing. And he is getting better with everyone.

2007 Family Vacation

Audrey, Mark & Will having fun!
My father being the muscle man we know him to be

My Sister Erin & Brother-in-law Chuck

Looking back we had a good summer. We took a vacation of Perdido Key with my Sister, her husband, my Dad and step Mother. It was a lot of fun. Some of these pictures will let you know how silly and fun my family is.

Wills 1st Day of 3rd Grade

Audrey and I walked Will into school today. (well Tuesday) Anyway he was excited to have a lot of his friends in his class. He was bummed his friend Jake wasn't in there though. I made him smile for the camera in his classroom but it took so long for my camera to go that he was getting upset with me. I also tried to kiss him bye and he brushed me off. I think he feels he is to old for his mom to be kissing him bye.