Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tragedy in the classroom

A child in Audrey's class passed away this week. Her teacher called to tell me. She told me there was a fire and that this child got in the closet with his little sister. The smoke caused brain damage and they did not make it. I had to tell Audrey before she went to school. I couldn't sleep all night trying to figure out how do you tell a child that a friend is gone. I spent half the night laying in her bed holding her. The other half laying in the guest room wide awake trying to find the words that would break my daughters heart. She woke up and came and got in bed with me. It was morning so I told her I needed to tell her something really important. She first thought I was joking when she realized I wasn't she started to cry I held her tight until she stopped. We got out of bed and she went downstairs to eat breakfast. When I got down stairs she was sitting at the table crying. I held her some more. It was a sad day at school.

Wills 3rd Grade end of School Party

Will ended his 3rd grade year with a party. It was 90 degrees outside so we were all sweating. The kids had such a great time. I love to watch them when they have parties because their personalities come out.

Will playing volleyball with his classmates.

And he hits one...

Will and Skylar

They wait for the next activity.

And they are off...

Will is wet and waiting...

Next was limbo.

That is it.

The three amigos. Will, Jake and Alex

Goof Balls.....

Mandy and Jake


Will got straight A's. I am so proud of him. His hardest subject is conduct. His teacher says he is very social.

Will excepting his award for straight A's for the entire year.

Will and his friend Cody.

Will's Birthday Treat in Class

I brought doughnuts and cokes to his class for his birthday. His teacher thanked me for getting them all hyped up on sugar. I do what I can.

Will and his teacher.

This is Will's friend Alex. I think the sugar hit the hardest and the fastest

Kindergarten Celebration

Audrey's Kindergarten celebration was Monday. They put on a cute performance for us. It is so hard to believe that she is going into the 1st grade.

Audrey singing....

Audrey, Macy and Hannah....

Audrey, Macy, Hannah and Emily being silly as usual.

Audrey and her teacher!

Will's Birthday Ride

As any boy. Will has a fascination with a few cars and one of them is a Mustang which his Aunt Liz has. So on his birthday Liz took the top down cleaned out the car and off for a ride we went.

They smile for the camera...

Now they are getting aggravated that I keep taking pictures.


Friday night, my sister Liz came into town and we went to Audrey's dress rehearsal. That lasted til 8:15. The next day was recital day. So we fix make up, hair and costume and off we go. The girls seemed nervous but were cute. They danced to a Jungle Book song called, "I Wanna Be Like You"

Audrey poses with her flowers after the show.

Most of the make-up is off. Yes, she had a lot more make-up than this on.

Will and Audrey

Waiting to leave

Oh my gosh what is that between Marks legs?????

Its a tail.

Liz and Audrey waiting outside Salt Grass Steak House.

Will picked this restaurant to go to. This was his birthday dinner. His birthday was the following day.

Mommy and daughter, if my eyes look a little slanted they are I had a huge glass of wine at the recital and hadn't eaten.
Will reading with his Aunt Liz

Mark and PaPa
The girls posing
Grandma (mom), Audrey and Me

Will was surprised when his cake came out.

That boy has got a mouth.

Audrey and Aunt Liz play

Will shows off his Pokemon (I think that is what they are).

Silly girls...


Audrey holding her gift Aunt Liz gave her.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Saw this movie on Mother's Day. It is a GREAT movie. I highly recommend it!!!!!

Mother's Day 2008

I got to sleep in late!! Well not really Audrey came in a 6:15am to tell Happy Mother's Day. But then she left and I fell back to sleep. I got up at 8. I went downstairs and the had a present for me. They had already sent me flowers. Audrey made me a sweet picture and a letter. Will made me a card and a magnolia out of clay. Next was my big present. I got an i-pod touch. It is cool. I haven't really done anything with it yet because Mark took it and started playing with it. I am going to download books on tape so I can listen to them while I work out.

My presents.
After opening my presents Audrey had made bunny rabbits and recruited Will in helping her put on a puppet show for me.
Audrey and I waiting to eat. We had already gone shopping. Gosh, my breasts are huge.
Will is checking the time. The Easter Bunny brought him a watch with a timer. So he times everything we do now.
We are just chilling. At least it was a pretty day.

Copelands Cheesecake Bistro

For Mother's Day I wanted to go to Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro. Mark called to make reservations and they were not taking reservations. They told him he would be able to get in. So we drive all the way over there. When we get there, there was a one and half hour wait. I told Mark we could go somewhere else he told me no this is what you want. So we went shopping to waste time. One hour and forty five minutes later we were seated. Our waitress comes and takes our order. I was starving and so were the kids so I ordered a loaf of bread. 30 minutes later and still nothing. The kids have finished there drinks and still no food and no waitress. Finally a different waitress brings us our bread then 5 minutes later another waitress brings us our food. Audrey didn't get her entire order and her food was cool. My food was really cold. So I get our waitress and tell her. Instead of her taking care of it she gets the manager. He told me he would get me another plate. While waiting for my plate Audrey's shrimp come and they are small burnt pieces of rubber. I told the manager I was not going to pay for this so he took that back as well. He then brought more shrimp which were still over cooked but Audrey ate them. She even committed that they were a little tough. You know that is bad when a six year old says that. So finally my food arrives. I cut into my crab cake and it oozes. It was not cooked all the way. Actually I would say at all. I have never had a crab cake do that. So I told my waitress and she said well its free the manager took it off and I told her I did not care that it was not cooked. So she took my plate then came back and asked us if we wanted dessert. She was the worst waitress I have ever had and that was the worst experience at a restaurant. Needless to say we did not get dessert. Instead we went to a movie so I could have popcorn.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Field Day

You know school is almost over when you have Field Day. We all had our shirts on and were ready to compete. Well not Mark and I but the kids were.

Happy field day family.

Audrey and Will pose with flat Stanley

Will is running fast holding the milk jugs filled with sand.

Some of Will's class poses for the pic.

Alex, Robert and Will

Audrey refused to sit out.
She competed in every race she could.

This one was a little difficult.

Audrey and her teacher pose.

A little snack to tied them over.

Will and I pose for the camera. My shirt supported his class and Marks supported Audrey's. It was cut short because of storms that had moved in but at least they got to do some of the events.