Saturday, June 21, 2008

Catch Up

-Fathers Day we just grilled and hung around the house. Mark got Croc flip flops, a grill, something for his hose (you have to see it).
-Will went to camp for the first time. He stayed 5 days. The first night I got a call from the camp nurse and the first thing she says after she introduces herself on the phone is "Don't worry I don't think his cheek needs stitches." So of course my heart drops, then she proceeds to tell me his permanent front tooth is really loose. So do I go at 10:30 at night, NO! I let Audrey have a slumber party so we had 7 little girls running around the house. Mark went out of town so he wouldn't be around so much estrogen. Even if it comes in little packages it can be pretty hard. Back to Will. I picked him up Friday and noticed his tooth was still loose and his other front tooth was chipped. So I got an appointment with the dentist within an hour. The dentist said it may take up to 3 years for it to fully tighten and for his other tooth she sanded it down so it wasn't pointy. Thank goodness for big teeth.
-Audrey's slumber party went great. They were all really good, especially since we stayed at the pool til 7:45 pm. So that was almost 3 hours of swimming for them.

After I washed all of their hair we decorated cupcakes.

Audrey was getting fancy with hers as Peyton is already eating.

Sarah and Emma also enjoying.

And here they all slept and me on the couch. No, I did not sleep much. One coughed all night, another had to go potty and then had an accident, another talked in her sleep, and on and on and on. I think I got a full 2 hours.

Everyone ready for swim team except Gracie. Her mom picked her up for the 8 o'clock practice we all barely made the 9 o'clock. And that is where there mom's picked them up.

- Swim meet Wednesday. Audrey was slow on her freestyle for some reason she refused to use her arms halfway across the pool. She was a lot faster on the backstroke and knocked off 4 seconds.
- My friend Laura turned 40. My sister in-law and I went to her party for a little while.

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