Saturday, June 21, 2008

Band Playing

Friday night Mark and his brother Kim played a gig at a local restaurant. It was pretty cool because they played outdoor and had lightening in the back ground.

Mark plays the guitar and keyboard and sings. Kim plays the drums.

Mark having a good time singing me a song.

This my sister-in-law Helene and me. Yes it is official I am blond again.

This is my good friend Nikki and I . I think her arms needed to be a little longer.

Mark and I cuddle during his break. And Nikki went camera crazy.

Nikki and her beau Derek. Derek was pissed because LSU baseball team had just lost. Nikki made him feel better by sitting in his lap. It was a good night. And now I am very tired.


This year we planted a small garden. We have tomato's, squash, cantaloupe, jalapeno peppers, Tabasco peppers, cucumbers and onions.

Audrey noticed these peppers on the plant.

And she picked them. I think they could have stayed on a little longer.

Now my squash is starting to take over. I didn't realize they got that big.

Tomato's doing well. Mark finally staked them so they are even doing better now.

We will see how everything produces. This is a test garden. Matter of fact where I put it Mark and his brother want to build a deck.


Sometimes in the morning I go to Bentley's food bowl outside and there looks like there are snot trails all over his food. Well what is left of it. I know they are snail trails but Will likes snot trails better. Anyway in the middle of the afternoon I went to give Bentley some fresh water and....

Look what I find having lunch. He is huge!!!

He is so big that I could see the food he was eating moving and disappearing.

I just like taking those close up pictures.

I am not sure to be grossed out or intrigued. I went to get the kids but he was gone when I got back to show them. He also moves pretty fast.

Catch Up

-Fathers Day we just grilled and hung around the house. Mark got Croc flip flops, a grill, something for his hose (you have to see it).
-Will went to camp for the first time. He stayed 5 days. The first night I got a call from the camp nurse and the first thing she says after she introduces herself on the phone is "Don't worry I don't think his cheek needs stitches." So of course my heart drops, then she proceeds to tell me his permanent front tooth is really loose. So do I go at 10:30 at night, NO! I let Audrey have a slumber party so we had 7 little girls running around the house. Mark went out of town so he wouldn't be around so much estrogen. Even if it comes in little packages it can be pretty hard. Back to Will. I picked him up Friday and noticed his tooth was still loose and his other front tooth was chipped. So I got an appointment with the dentist within an hour. The dentist said it may take up to 3 years for it to fully tighten and for his other tooth she sanded it down so it wasn't pointy. Thank goodness for big teeth.
-Audrey's slumber party went great. They were all really good, especially since we stayed at the pool til 7:45 pm. So that was almost 3 hours of swimming for them.

After I washed all of their hair we decorated cupcakes.

Audrey was getting fancy with hers as Peyton is already eating.

Sarah and Emma also enjoying.

And here they all slept and me on the couch. No, I did not sleep much. One coughed all night, another had to go potty and then had an accident, another talked in her sleep, and on and on and on. I think I got a full 2 hours.

Everyone ready for swim team except Gracie. Her mom picked her up for the 8 o'clock practice we all barely made the 9 o'clock. And that is where there mom's picked them up.

- Swim meet Wednesday. Audrey was slow on her freestyle for some reason she refused to use her arms halfway across the pool. She was a lot faster on the backstroke and knocked off 4 seconds.
- My friend Laura turned 40. My sister in-law and I went to her party for a little while.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kung Fu Panda

After the swim meet Mark and the kids and I met friends at the movies. A total of 30 plus friends. Mark was getting flustered because kids where getting up and down walking in front of us to get things from parents and so on. I told this is how it always is when we bring all these kids to the movies. Needless to say it didn't bother me.
Anyway the movie was really good. I wasn't sure how it would be but it was funny and had some humor for all age groups. Jack Black was the perfect choice for the Panda. I say see it.

3rd Summer league swim meet

Today was the third meet of the summer. We got there at 7:20 am and left at 1:20 pm. The kids did really well again.
Audrey has been practicing and practicing on her diving. She is getting better but we need to work on her diving out instead of down.

Will was our biggest shocker of the day. He swam so well last week that he moved up a heat in his event (50 freestyle). That means he was going against faster swimmers. I told him up front that so he wouldn't feel bad if he didn't come in first. He was also the only 9 year old in that heat. He looked at me and said I can beat them. I told him I believed he could but they had faster times. Well he beat them. He improved his time by another 6 plus seconds. I could not believe it. He got out and said I told you I could beat them. Boy was I a proud mom.

Next Audrey did the back stroke. She actually looked like she wanted to win. I am not sure what place she came in but she did swim better.

Will's backstroke wasn't as good this time. He still did well and was with faster swimmers this time since he did so well last time. He just had trouble with one of his arms. He wasn't bringing it completely back. But I was still proud. His last event was a 100 freestyle relay. He swam good on that one as well.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sex and the City

I absolutely loved this movie. I saw every show when it was on HBO. When I heard the movie was coming out I was so excited. Some of the fashion was great and some odd just like the TV show. Shoes incredible as usual. Now I am sad that I won't be able to see what happens next in their lives next week. I recommend this movie.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Book Club - Widow of the South

There isn't really much I can say about it. I have tried to read it and just couldn't get into it. I down loaded it on my ipod and have attempted to listen to it. Well still can't get into it. I will keep trying until the date of our book club. The only thing that makes me feel better is everyone else is having the same trouble.

Blackberry Cobbler

Well we needed to do something with the blackberries so I thought about a blackberry cobbler. I got the recipe from Southern Living. Then I of course had to make a little changes because my pan was larger than called for. Figured this out a little to late. All and all it came out really well.
It looks good doesn't it?!

Audrey and Allie helped me make it. They did all the pouring and stirring.

Kids serving. Oh yes, the long thing is a cinnamon sugar stick that the girls made.

Marks serving!

2nd summer league swim meet

Another swim meet down. Got to the club at 7:05 this morning, set the chairs up, put sunscreen on everyone and we were set.
Audrey and her friends wait for their first meet.

Audrey is set and ready.

She did really good. She took second in her heat.

Will is going against his friend Jake's big brother, Tyler. Will came in first and improved his time by 3 seconds.

Audrey is starting the backstroke. She just takes her time when doing this stroke. It is like she is on her own time line.

Tyler, Luke and Will pose for the camera.

Will is off on his backstroke. He took first again in his heat. I won't know what he took in the Event until tomorrow. Audrey never misses Thursday. It is doughnut day. All swimmers get a doughnut after practice. That girl loves to eat.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blueberry Picking

Well the blueberries are in. We went picking with a friend of mine and her daughters. Will brought his friend Jake along. We went after swim team practice and it was hot.
The girls are off to the bushes.

Audrey started picking the first bush she came to.

Well not much found there so she is moving on.

Will and Jake were excited.

Audrey and Gracie were also going strong.

For every three I picked I ate one. They were so sweet. I decided I would put them on my cereal in the morning.

Audrey shows off one of her blueberries.

If you look closely Will's teeth are blue. He enjoyed the berries as much as him mom.

The boys did well. Together they filled a bucket.

And that was the end of blueberry picking.

My friend Steph and I left the kids and started blackberry picking. There weren't many ripe. I got half a bag full though.

This is where the sort and bag our blueberries. By the time Steph and I got back from the blackberries out blueberries had already been bagged.

Pool Duck

We went to the pool and there was a duck trying to get in. He wasn't a member so they wouldn't let him in. They called several people to come get him but no one showed so I came to the rescue. I caught the duck and brought it to a retirement center that was close. We figured that is where it came from. When I let it out this big goose chased me and the duck followed me back to the car. After waiting for awhile and avoiding the goose, the duck finally went into the water.

It is a young duck and a cute one.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

This movie was good. The ending a little different than the others.

1st Triathlon of the Summer

Our first triathlon of the summer was this past weekend. Okay let me clarify something the kids 1st triathlon was this weekend. I just work the transition area and Mark cheers them on and makes sure they are okay.

I found Audrey for a picture Will seemed to have disappeared. She did really well considering she just started riding her bike this week since she got her cast off. She has rode it since the fall when she was learning to ride without training wheels.

Audrey and her friend Gracie. Last year Gracie stayed behind with Audrey but this year they both took off on their own.
Finally caught up with Will.

This is his friend Emma. They were in the same class. She also was the girl that danced with him and the other boys in the talent show.