Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Tooth fairy for Audrey

This past weekend we were at an hockey game and Audrey was cheering when I noticed that her bottom big teeth had come in. The problem is she never lost her baby teeth. Well I knew that I was going to have to call the dentist and get the baby teeth pulled.

I made the appointment and told Audrey that she was going to have her baby teeth pulled. She said she wanted pictures with her baby teeth in. So I was happy to.

And of course Audrey was already and posing. I think I got like 7 pictures of her posing. The next morning we got up took Will to school. We got to the dentist at 9:30 and they did not take us back until 11:00. I was not very happy. When we got back the put tooth gel on her gums to deaden the area they would be giving her the shots. When they did this to Will they put a lot on, but for Audrey they didn't. Then they decided to give her the shots. When she began to cry I thought it was because she saw the big needle but then I realized that it was hurting her. I started to cry a little and i held her hands. After 4 shots they let her sit and let her mouth go numb. Once it was all numb the dentist came over and wiggled her teeth out. She did not feel it at all. I asked her if she still wanted to be a dentist now and she said yes. She said she wants to give people shots. she was unable to eat anything hard, crunchy, spicy, salty all day. So we went to the store and got ice cream. We already had yogurt at the house and she wanted spaghetti maranera for dinner.

So here is her first picture without those two teeth. As you can see she had just got finished eating chocolate ice cream. I even made her wash her face. There was just to much ice cream though. She is still beautiful.

Here are her two teeth, roots and everything. They are so tiny.

I put them next to this dime just so you could see how little.

They gave Audrey this treasure box to put her teeth in so the tooth fairy could find them easier under her pillow.

When I got home from my book club meeting I realized Audrey's teeth were in the truck. So I came in and woke her up so she could put them under her pillow. Of course she saw the camera and was ready for the photo. She is always photo ready.

She shoved it under her pillow and fell right to sleep. I don't think she even realized I was in there.

I then went into Will's room and took his picture while he slept.
The next morning Audrey woke up with ten dollars from the tooth fairy. This is how it was broken down 2 for each tooth, 2 for each root and 2 for having the dentist pulling them. So now she is ready to lose more teeth. I asked her if she was going to give the money for the toy I bought her for having her teeth pulled and she thought about it and said "NO" I told her I was just kidding that she was a brave girl and deserved it.

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