Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Reba & Kelly, 2 voices, 2 worlds

Santa Claus brought Audrey and the family tickets to the Kelly Clarkson, Reba Mcyntyre (not sure how to spell that) concert. So the night came and we got ready for the event. It started at 8pm, which is late for Audrey but she was up for it.

I was getting my camera ready when I see her putting her lipgloss on. So of course, I get the shot.
Now she is ready for the show. Kelly Clarkson is her favorite singer. She has both of her cd's and knows all of her songs. Of course she does not know what the lyrics mean.

Will is all ready as well looking mighty handsome. He also looks tired. He fell asleep on the way there.

Will decided to take a picture of Audrey and I. I am tired too also having a terrible hair day. It had been raining all day. All I wanted to do was sleep.
We got to the concert late because of parade traffic. There was a comic first so we didn't miss anything. Reba and Kelly came out at 9 o'clock. It was so loud. Even Mark said it was loud and for him to say it is loud you know it was loud. Anyway about 10 Audrey gets in my lap and falls asleep. Before then she was up singing and dancing. But she just fell asleep. Her little body could not take it anymore. It was a good show. But the do need a new sound man. Kelly's mic needed to be turned up and her drummers needed to be turned down.

1 comment:

Erin said...

you ALL look tired!