Sunday, July 27, 2008

Full Saturday

Saturday afternoon we took the boat to the river and met some friends on an island (sand bar). The grills were set up, gazebo set up and chairs out. I sat in the sun for a bit with the rest of the ladies. I of course put my 30 helioplex (UVA & UVB protection) on and the rest of the women put tanning oil on with no protection I only lasted 30 minutes in the sun. I got in the river with Audrey for a tad then went back under the gazebo. Sat there for a while then I was asked to go on the boat because Audrey wanted to knee board. So I went and she knee boarded. Some big waves came and she fell. She told me she wanted to go again so we went back to the beach and put her back on and there she went. This time I was on the boat showing her what to do to go from wake to wake and she DID IT!!! She never got over them but next time she will. I was so impressed. That girl has no fear at all. Actually it kind of scares me. After she did Will decided he needed to do it. Audrey and I left because she had 100.8 fever (had my thermometer with me) Yes, she did that and had the croup with fever. Mark took us back to the launch and we left. Mark said that Will never got that chance to knee board maybe next time.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Book Club - Between, Georgia

The author of this book is Joshilyn Jackson. She also wrote Gods of Alabama (have not read it but everyone else says it is good).
This book is about a 30 year old who is being pulled between her adopted family and her birth grandmother. Between is the town they are from. She has to deal with crazy family members. So to most of you out there (including me) you should be able to relate. She is also dealing with a divorce. This book kept my attention throughout. I laughed and even cried at one part. Mostly I couldn't wait to see what her crazy family would put her through. I recommend this book.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Book Club - Widow of The South (review)

I blogged about this book once already. I said I just couldn't get into it. I also said I started listening to it on cd. Well my friends said skip the first cd or skip to page 150. Then it gets better. Well I did and it did get better. This story is factual and interesting. The author however jumps around so much that I had to keep looking at my ipod to see if it skipped or a section was out of place. It never was it was just that the author changes paces in mid chapter. My friends reading it also said the same thing. Some of the time they had to go back and reread once they realized what he was writing about. I recommend this book. It made me cry at some parts. It takes place during the civil war. A lady's house is taken over for a hospital. She ends up writing to the families of the soldiers that had died to give them comfort. All the other characters have a part in the her life that makes her the woman she is.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Catch Up

We have been out of town for a while and there was no Internet access. So here we go again with catch up.
Bentley enjoying walks to the pond.
Kids fishing at the pond.
At the city meet Audrey took first place in all of her heats. she finally used two arms. The next night was the banquet and she got a trophy for most improved she was so happy. (It is the big one).
Will with his trophy. He had an off day at the meet but we were still proud.
We had book club at my friends BJ's lake house. Nikki and I spent the night. The next day we skied and jet skied.
The next day we packed and got ready for a trip to Pennsylvania. We stayed in Roanoke the first night and ate at a restaurant called Flat Fire Grill. It was great.
We finally got to Pennsylvania. The kids decided to check out the river.
The kids then went swimming at a neighbors pool. It was so cold. It amazes me how they don't feel the cold. Well Audrey doesn't, Will jumped in 4 times and got out. Then him and my mom decided to pose for me.
The next day we went to Scranton into a Coal Mine. It was cold down there. Will took my camera and started taking pictures.
(We have a lot)
I got my camera back and took one of Will. It was very interesting and dirty. We were filthy.
The day after we went to Rickets Glenn State Park. We hiked down the mountain first. There were water falls . It was a little slippery so Mark had to hold on to Audrey.

The kids and Mark made it underneath a fall.

Audrey and I went to the river and she named the little island Fitz island after my mom's Scottie. He swims to it every day.

Later we sat down with our hats and drank a good glass of ice tea. You can take a girl out of the south but not the south out of a girl.

Will helped his Dad pick up sticks and logs out of the yard.

I am not sure what kind of bug this is but showed up one night and stayed all the next day.

Mark caught this bass the next day, on his first cast. Then the kids decided to get in the river.


Janie and Sarah flew in. The kids took Sarah to the River.

Will wanted to catch a fish like his dad.

Fitz taking his swim....

We also spent a day at my Aunt Patti's cabin. She has a cabin on a creek or would it be brook up there?!
As you can see Mark was really enjoying himself.

Back to Scranton to visit a train museum. It was interesting especially if you are interested in trains, our crew not so much.

Sarah and Audrey smile for the camera as we took a steam engine ride.

Audrey decides to take our picture outside the museum.

We also went to a cheese factory. This is the best cheese I have ever eaten. So of course bought a lot to take back.

On our way home we stayed in Chattanooga. We went to the Aquarium when we got there. It has two sides and you can go to one or both so we choose both. The first was a fresh water aquarium. I recommend it to any one. It was awesome (Audrey's words). The salt water was okay. I would skip that one.

Audrey and Will crawled in a tube for these photos.

The day we were leaving Chattanooga Mark and Will got up and went freshwater fishing. Will caught one bass and a lot of catfish. Then we drove home. It is so nice to be home. I am going to put some more pictures and of my mothers cabins and etc... on later. My mom took some pictures of friends on her camera. I did not have mine one night.