Saturday, March 8, 2008


Friday we had snow, yes, actual snow. I dropped the kids off for school then went to the store. I looked outside and you couldn't even see the parking lot. After buying some groceries I went and checked Audrey out of school. Will had test he needed to finish. We came home and began to play outside.
The house had snow.

See it!

Audrey got on the trampoline and it was slush. See it would snow the have a mixture of sleet rain and snow. Then it would snow again. Anyway she was soaking wet when she came inside.

She did a little work after she got changed and drank some hot cocoa.

I am not sure if you can see it in the next few pictures but it is snow falling.

and snow

Oh yes, this is the front yard view.

And this is the backyard. See the snow falling!

Audrey was at the band room eating the snow as it fell.

My birds were glad to see I put seed out but they were what the heck is going on. One minute it is 75 and the next 32.

And finally Audrey and I sharing a little love in the very rare condition in the south SNOW.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Better you than us! Thank goodness we didn't get any of that;. It's 60 now and I'm freezing!