Monday, December 31, 2007


Mark went and got some fireworks for the kids and Will had his friend Kaden spend the night. So we played Guitar Hero and American Idol on playstation then outside we went. Bentley only lasted a little while. He hates loud noises. Mark told the kids the safety rules then showed them how to light bottle rockets. Will lit the first one then Will taught Audrey.

I am not sure what is up with the cowboy hat. He helped Audrey light the bottle rocket.

Audrey, Kaden and Will fooling around waiting for us to get the next batch of works going.

And of course we also had the traditional Sparklers. Those are my favorite. We had all colors.

Mark and Will lit the last one together.
Now everyone is in bed (including me). Mark and I just watched the ball drop in New York. So let me be the first to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope everyone has a great year. Now I need to spend some 2008 snuggle time with my husband.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays

You won't believe this but I did not take one picture at Christmas. We did video tape it but that is about it. I could not believe it when I went to look at pictures and found none. So I apologize. We had a great time. We had family from South Louisiana, Mid New Jersey and Brooklyn New York come to town. We went to my mothers for Christmas and there we ate and ate and ate. My brother and Aunts walked after the dinner. While on our walk two puppies followed us. We went house to house trying to find their home. When we couldn't find anyone we left them right where they started following us (after we fed them and loved them a little). Right then a car drove up to the only empty house and the puppies went running. That was our excitement.
The day after Christmas my Aunt Patti and my mother did the annual day after Christmas shopping. Janie and I (along with the kids) stayed in our pajamas all day. We played the Wii they got for Christmas. I really enjoy that thing even though I pulled a muscle in my shoulder when we were playing the bowling game. Will wished he had gotten one until he played his Guitar Hero on the PlayStation2. Yes, I play it as well and I do rock! It was a nice Christmas.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just not in the mood

I have been hum bug lately. I love to shop but this time of year it sucks. There are to many people in stores and everyone is rude. I like to look when I shop and take my time. Today a lady was looking through my basket. When I told her that it was my basket she said she has been looking for one of the things I had in my basket. I told her sorry. So the day goes on and more shopping to be done blah blah blah!
Audrey performed in the 5th grade choir. She was the only Kindergarten er. She sang Rudolph. She did great. I have pictures to put up on the blog but I just don't feel like doing that either. One day when I am not so stressed I will get back to it.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

LSU #2

That's right LSU will be in the National Championship!!!!!!!


As everyone must know by now LSU beat Tennessee with their second string quarterback. It was exciting. Next was the #1 team and #2 team playoffs and they lost. So here we are sitting waiting for the BCS polls to see if LSU moves to #2 and gets to play for the National Title. We have looked up all other polls and two have put in results which put Ohio in the #1 spot and LSU in the #2 spot. So there is hope. I have to leave and get the kids but will post when I get in and let everyone know the results.