Monday, January 28, 2008

Audrey's First Sewing Project

This weekend, actually since Thursday I have been sick. I think it was a virus that turned into a sinus infection. Anyway I had fever and the soar muscles so I did not do anything with the family. Mark took over and did a great job with some minor set backs. Like it was our turn to bring snacks for the basketball team and I bought them but he did not know this and forgot them. Actually how can you forget something you do not know. The kids also had a birthday party to go to he did not know this so no present was brought. My friend let him know about the party at the game so at least that was accomplished. Anyhow, I felt better on Sunday even though I had no voice. Mark and Will went to get their hair cut so I wanted to do something with Audrey. She had gotten a sewing sampler for Christmas so we looked at it and she picked out the project and with a little help she made a pillow.

Her first sewing project. She was so excited when she finished. I think her favorite part was stuffing it.
After I took this picture I was leaving her room and saw a sign and remembered she told me Saturday that she was hanging a sign on her door.

Here is the sign she made. It means NO MAKEUP ALLOWED. She told me she put it up so her friends wouldn't bring makeup in her room and mess her room up. Alot of you are saying to yourselves how mature, that's great she wants to keep her room clean. Well.........

This is her room when Mommy doesn't get to clean it up. What in the world are they going to mess up? Her mess maybe? The carpet has every color imaginable on it from her. Anyway I am going to clean her room today so hopefully when her friends do come it will be clean. She usually helps (because I make her) and well it isn't any fun for me when she does because her whining and throwing herself on the floor gives me a headache, so I am going to do it today with quietness.

1 comment:

Erin said...

i want a pillow...