Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Audrey's Hair

I had bought some sponge rollers and decided to try them on Audrey. It took a while to put them in.
But she is still cute as can be. She slept in them.

And this is the after. She was so excited. She said she looked like Shirley Temple.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Audrey's First Sewing Project

This weekend, actually since Thursday I have been sick. I think it was a virus that turned into a sinus infection. Anyway I had fever and the soar muscles so I did not do anything with the family. Mark took over and did a great job with some minor set backs. Like it was our turn to bring snacks for the basketball team and I bought them but he did not know this and forgot them. Actually how can you forget something you do not know. The kids also had a birthday party to go to he did not know this so no present was brought. My friend let him know about the party at the game so at least that was accomplished. Anyhow, I felt better on Sunday even though I had no voice. Mark and Will went to get their hair cut so I wanted to do something with Audrey. She had gotten a sewing sampler for Christmas so we looked at it and she picked out the project and with a little help she made a pillow.

Her first sewing project. She was so excited when she finished. I think her favorite part was stuffing it.
After I took this picture I was leaving her room and saw a sign and remembered she told me Saturday that she was hanging a sign on her door.

Here is the sign she made. It means NO MAKEUP ALLOWED. She told me she put it up so her friends wouldn't bring makeup in her room and mess her room up. Alot of you are saying to yourselves how mature, that's great she wants to keep her room clean. Well.........

This is her room when Mommy doesn't get to clean it up. What in the world are they going to mess up? Her mess maybe? The carpet has every color imaginable on it from her. Anyway I am going to clean her room today so hopefully when her friends do come it will be clean. She usually helps (because I make her) and well it isn't any fun for me when she does because her whining and throwing herself on the floor gives me a headache, so I am going to do it today with quietness.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How we Celebrate MLK

My friend Amy and I decided to take the kids bowling.

Matthew and Audrey are so happy to see each other. They have been together since she was 6 months. This year has been the longest amount of time they have been away from each other.

Shelby and Will were also happy to be together. Even though every time I tried to take their picture Will tried to be cool like he wasn't interested.

This is Audrey's bowling technique. One time she actually kicked it. She decided it hurt her foot to much so back to rolling we went.

Now Will's technique changed every time. He really just likes to throw it.

Now Amy and I are just happy to be out and doing something. We bowled too. But most of all we just liked watching the kids. They make us laugh. As Audrey was taking this picture Will was jumping in and out of the camera.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Basketball and Cheerleading

It is that time of year again. Basketball and cheerleding (for basketball) has started. We will have a game every Saturday until the second Saturday of March. Audrey cheers for the K-1 teams and Will plays on the 2-3 grade team. Even though there isn't a lot 2ND graders. Audrey had to cheer first then after her game Will's game began. It makes for a long morning, but well worth it.

Audrey is trying to figure out where that boy went she just saw. I think that is what she is doing.
A team just made a basket.

Her squad perform at half time. She got best cheer that day.

They announce Will's name and here he comes. He is all ready to play.

He takes the ball down court.

He is making a break for the basket and scores. They tied. It was a great game. Next Saturday we will be doing the same.

Snow or Ice?

Friday it snowed and sleeted. I am not sure which one it did more of. All I know the kids especially Will had a good time. It was even better because we were out of school.

Ok this is ice on the trampoline. Audrey swears it is snow. I need to take that girl to see actual snow.
Bentley had a good time too. He thought we could play some ball in the snow or ice. I think it was snowing here because you can't see it.

Will in all his excitement!

Audrey is catching it the snow or ice.

Social Sudies Fair

Will had a choice of a social studies or a science fair project. He was going to do a science fair project but I couldn't figure it out so we opted for social studies. He decided to do it on Washington DC. The theme was the pictures he took. It had to be typed so Mark and I did the typing. He did the pasting (only after I told him where everything went). I did make him write everything before I typed it. Anyway he ended up taking third place. We are so proud of him.

Monday, January 7, 2008

LSU 2008 National Champions

Is there any more to say. I guess I could tell you the score. LSU 38, Ohio 24. GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!

BCS Championship Game LSU vs. OHIO 2008

The game is on and LSU is winning. I was kind of worried at the beginning when Ohio scored during the first drive. But my Tigers came back with a field goal. Then Ohio got a field goal. Then LSU scored three touch downs before half time. Right now we are at the end of the third quarter 31 to 17. My stomach is starting to turn. I will let you know the final score.

Riding Bikes & Inline Skating

Like everyone else in the world one of my resolutions is to live a healthier life. One way is to get my family doing more outdoor sports. I grew up playing a lot of sports. I use to do bike tours. I liked to in line skate (we called it roller blading, Will told me I was wrong). That was on top of softball, volleyball, basketball and so on. So we started last week. We went in line skating last week ( the kids got some for Christmas). Audrey ended up with a bruised right cheek and Mark and I were just sorer. It was so much fun that Will wanted to do it the following day but it was raining. Sunday ended up being beautiful so we went to the park by the river. We took our bikes and in line skates. We biked for awhile then rode back and ate our lunch. Audrey decided to try riding without training wheels. Mark puts them on a hill and down they go. That is how he taught Will so he was going to do the same with Audrey.

Here they go or should I say here she goes.

And down she goes.

My girl does not give up and look at her she's got it.

Now she has to take some more instruction from her Dad, like steering and peddling.

Down the hill again.

While I take pictures and Audrey and Mark ride Will decides to in line skate. He is getting up from a fall but he is getting better.

I try to tell him not to turn his feet in but he doesn't get it. One day he will but he is getting better.

Audrey is keeping her Daddy busy chasing her.

Will asked me to take this picture of him and put it on the blog so here it is.

I am so proud of her she is riding her bike.

Audrey and Mark decide to take a rest. Mark is out of breath and exhausted. Audrey on the other hand just decides to eat a little yogurt until the next round.

Will decides to take a picture of me. Yes, that is me with red hair. Mark does not like it. I will keep it this color for another month or two and then I will be blonde again.

Will decided to ride his bike with his skates on. He wanted to go down the hill. Of course, I was saying no that is to dangerous but Mark said let him be a boy. He was finally healing from going down a huge hill at my mothers where he flipped over the handle bars and in to a ditch. He ripped the skin on his leg, thigh and arm. He didn't even cry. So I said OK and off he went on the bike and skates.