Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hello friends and family sorry I haven't posted anything in a while. I will be back to blogging soon. I promise!!!

Monday, August 17, 2009

2009-2010 School Year has started

Hello friends and family. Will and Audrey have started yet another year at University. Will is now in 5th grade and this will be his final year in Elementary. Audrey has started 2nd grade. They both had a great day and have a lot to talk about. Will is at football practice (where I should be). I just wanted to drop this quick note. Now I need to go. BYE

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Long time

It has been a long time since I have blogged. I have pictures I will put up soon. There is a lot to say and I will get to it. I promise.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Book Club - Twilight & sereies plus movie

I picked Twilight by Stephanie Meyers for my book. This book was so good I read the rest of the series in a week. It is a love story with hot cars and cool fights. It really is about a seventeen year old girl who moves in with her father. She goes to a new school and immediatley becomes attracted to this boy. Everyone tell hers to stay away from him but she can't help herself. He ends up being a vampire, his family also warns him to stay away but the draw is to much and he can't stop thinking about her and wanting her and that is where the love story begins. I recommend this book to all. Eclipse, Full Moon and Breaking Dawn are the other three books and written just as well. There are so many interesting characters by the end of the last book I look forward to reading about any of them in the future, if she writes anymore. Of course my favorites are the 1st and 4th but I still recommend them to any one that would ask. Now for the movie 26 of us went to dinner and then went to see the movie. The movie wasn't as good and it usually isn't but the left out some important information. Also some of the character choices were a joke. Edward and Bella (main characters) grew on you and they made it work but some of the others were comical. I hope the next of the series will be better and some how work in the information that was left out of the first.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


We went to Lake Ouchita, Arkansas. It was nice and cool. We really enjoyed ourselves away from everything around. We got to the cabin on a Friday.

The kids made themselves comfortable pretending they were in a cage. Sometimes I think that is where they should be.

This is our Cabin. We were right on the lake.

The next morning we had to get up early and go hiking. The weekend we went LSU was playing and we couldn't miss the game so off we went on our 5 mile hike. Now that the kids are older there wasn't as much complaining and Audrey walked the entire thing. The last time we had to carry her part of the way.

Mark looks at the kids while they play around the water on our hike.

Audrey looking cute as usual...

and dramatic as usual. She tripped and fell a lot. She, unfortunately, has her mothers grace. hehehe

We get back to the cabin and begin to grill our chicken. Will or Audrey, I can't remember which, begins to take pictures.

While Mark cooks I go with the kids fishing. NO FISH (boo hoo)

He is too cool for himself. He really needs a haircut.

The next day we get up and pack. Then we go on a short hike before we leave.

We always go the the science museum before we leave. We crawled through this tunnel in the dark. I am not a spring chicken anymore and my knees where killing me. Audrey of course ran into walls.

We are almost out. YEAH!!!

Shoot, another dark tunnel.

Every year the museum has a new theme or show. This year it was real cadavers. You had to pay extra for it and the kids I think are a little to young to see real cadavers and their insides. So we did a few things then headed home.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Catch Up

Many things have been going on. I just haven't had time or felt like blogging. It takes time and thought and when I have time I don't want to think. I haven't had my camera for everything but here are some of the things that have been going on. I have put them in recent to past.

This is Moose. He is a full German Sheppard puppy. I waited to long to take a picture and here he has double his weight. He weights 40 lbs. and is 15 weeks old. He is the newest member of the family. So let me catch you up, that is 3 dogs, 2 cats. And now Audrey wants a fish. I say HECK NO!!!

Audrey and Drake at the 1st grade Tea Party.

That is my girl.....

Will and Will on the haunted hayride. Yes, that is my friend BJ. We had so much fun...

Macy and Audrey smile. That was the last smile I saw from Audrey that night. As soon as we started and she heard the chainsaw she hit the deck. She was holding on to my leg and only looking up when I told her it was OK. But she would scream and put her head back down. She would not get back up on the hay....

When we arrived back at Macy's house, Macy and Audrey had fallen asleep in the back. Audrey has Macy's hand. She was still scared when we got back. There was 14 of us 6 adults, 2 girls and 6 boys. It was great!!!!

We went to the pumpkin shine and this is the pumpkin project from Audrey's class. My co-room mom built and painted the aquarium...

On Halloween I was a vampire and will was my Minoan....

We always go to my friend Amy's house. Here we are trying to get the kids to take a picture. It was harder than it looks...

And here we are going trick or treating. Candy and her husband didn't dress up but the rest of us did.

This house had a Hearst sitting in their drive way where they handed candy out of. I thought that was pretty cool!...

We were leaving and Mark had got out of his scream costume but Steve was still dressed up as Danny from Grease. We have a family picture in costume but I think I am going to put it on our Christmas card. I will probably put it up after I send the cards out.

Amy is Sandy from Grease. We had to drink a little wine before we went and when you look at my eyes it looks like I had more than a little but I assure everyone I didn't....

This is her parents. They crack me up....

Mark says we should put this picture on one of those naughty sites....

Audrey shows off her face paint she slept in from carnival. She didn't want me to take it off until I took a picture.

Audrey, Will and Mark smile at dinner...
Papa turns 60, Mom and my brother Peter all enjoy a nice dinner...

Will has the look of defeat on his face after they lost their first game. He has a game every Saturday morning...
Audrey does good during her YMCA triathlon...

Foot ball started.....

Will and his best friend Cole. Will and Cole have been friends since Will was three weeks old and Cole 3 days. They only get to see each other a few times a year.

Hurricane Gustav brought visitors. My sister Stacy and her girls with their families came. Will and Avery sit and chill. Avery is my great niece. That makes me feel really old.

Cindy got a new bed and is loving it!

First Day of school

Audrey excited that she has a friend in her class, Sarah.

First Day Will gets busy. 4th Grade is definitely different.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Catch Up

-school hair cuts
-making rosemary bread
-closing pta books
-buying uniforms
-buying school supplies
-pta in service
-football practice
-dr. visits
-spending time with the kids
-new school year cleaning